A Prayer for Trusting God,

Lord, “Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in thy word” (Psalm 119:114). You are holy, and Your love endures forever. I come to the throne of grace to let my request be known to You because You are a trusting God. Teach me selflessness and availability to the wishes of those I am serving (Philippians 2:20–21). Please, father, instill in me the least to have the faith of a mustard seed, so that according to Matthew 17:20, I will say to mountains before me to move and it will be done. I believe that all things are possible with You.

Gracious Father, I pray that You will give me the moral excellence and purity of spirit that radiates from my life as I obey Your Word (II Peter 1:3). Teach me obedience to Your commands and to do Your will. Lord, “order my steps in thy word: and let not any iniquity have dominion over me” (Psalm 119:133). I commit my ways to You. My security is in Your unconditional love to structure my life around that which is eternal and cannot be destroyed or taken away (John 6:27). Purge out my iniquities and replenish me with Your holiness. I will gladly testify that “The right hand of the Lord is exalted: the right hand of the Lord doeth valiantly” (Psalm 118:16).Thank you for Your everlasting love and mercy.

My assurance in God leads me to realize that He has provided everything I need for my present happiness (I Timothy 6:8). I am grateful because Your blessings sustain me against all adversities. Lord, I have nothing to offer but a broken spirit. My obedience to You will lead me to the freedom to be creative under the protection of divinely appointed authority (II Corinthians 10:5). Lord, please give me wisdom and understanding that I may see and respond to life’s situations from Your frame of reference (Proverbs 9:10). I may stumble, but You have protected me and lead me to be victorious. There's no one else like You dear Lord. Thank you for Your blessings. My reverence for seeking Your holiness makes me aware of how You are working with others and events in my life to produce the character of Christ in me (Proverbs 23:17–18). I am grateful that Your divine interventions will not allow me to perish because of lack of knowledge, instead, Your steadfast love will uphold me to face life’s challenges.to the end. Amen!
