Managerial Network for Equitable Assets

Companies to Follow on LinkedIn: |efecllc-cloud-linkedin™ | Btfi-cloud-linkedin™|

Groups on LinkedIn:  | GTPH Writers' Club ™|21st Century Educational Consultancy |Who's Who in Global Education™ |Hall of Eco-friendly Practitioners™ |Global Citizenship Program -Cloud Based |BTFI Volunteer Group |

GTPH Writers' Club

GTPH Writer's Club is designed to engage both inspired writers and experienced writers to network and achieve their publishing goals. You may share your goals, make a connection and benefit from writing tips.

21st Century Educational Consultancy
The 21st Century Educational Consultancy is a network of experts in teaching K-12. It started to engage stakeholders in education to connect and share insights. It is open as a platform for stakeholders in education.

Who's Who in Global Education

The Who's Who in Global Education is a cloud-based engagement group, designed to recognize the achievements of educators who've made distinctive contributions in their field respectively. The group embarked to engage educators to take an active role in imparting and sharing effective methods and practices in education worldwide. It is open to all dedicated educators who are known by their students, peers and/or supervisors to be outstanding and respected.

Hall of Eco-friendly Practitioners

The Hall of Eco-Friendly Practitioners Network is designed for businesses and professionals engaging in eco-friendly practices. The group started to allow a network of sharing ideas and insights. It is ideal for Eco-Donors, Eco-Businesses, Eco-Sponsors, and Eco-Partners.

Global Citizenship Program -Cloud Based

The Global Citizenship Program is a cloud-based engagement group, designed to engage individuals in ecological awareness practices and to help eradicate poverty respectively. The group embarked to engage network interactions that are deemed to align with social sustainability worldwide. It is open to people from all social classes of life who are willing to live harmoniously within their communities.

BTFI Volunteer Group

The BTFI Volunteer Group on LinkedIn is designed for a prospective volunteer who wants to network and follows BioTech Foundation, Inc. This group served as a platform for interacting and connecting with other involved stakeholders on LinkedIn. It is recommended that potential members post, share and adhere to the intent of raising ecological awareness and helping to eradicate poverty.

GTU Equity Trust Funds
This is an information platform for reaching or reflecting on  some basics about financial sustainability. It is ideal for sharing ideas about basic financial principles, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and relatable educational data. Information sharing is not deem as a fact.


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